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  1. Clover
  2. CLOV-1189

Report generation seems to get into an infinite loop, never finishes


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • 3.1.11
    • 3.1.8
    • Grails Plugin
    • None
    • Redhat 6.1, Sun 64-bit JVM, 1.6.0_34, Grails 2.1.1 with plugin version 3.1.8

      For some reason, in our Grails test environment, clover is stuck in what seems to be an infinite loop recording the data for all the files instrumented during the run.

      This occurs at the end of a run started with "grails test-app -clover.on" which runs both unit and integration tests.

      Our project is fairly reasonable in size:

          | Name                 | Files |  LOC  |
          | Controllers          |     8 |   435 |
          | Domain Classes       |   401 | 18552 |
          | Services             |    36 |  4773 |
          | Tag Libraries        |     5 |   790 |
          | Groovy Helpers       |   345 | 17830 |
          | Java Helpers         |     3 |   141 |
          | Unit Tests           |    68 |  5040 |
          | Integration Tests    |   401 | 14290 |
          | Scripts              |     6 |    83 |
          | Totals               |  1273 | 61934 |

      During the run, Clover generates an amazing number of files in the .clover/ directory (about 600,000 files *.s files)

      At the end of the run we get:

      [Step 2/3] | Completed 563 integration tests, 0 failed in 328038ms
      [09:31:13][Step 2/3] | Tests PASSED - view reports in /home/teamcity/TeamCity/buildAgent1/work/7f907064610a9f8f/common/target/test-reports
      [09:31:13][Step 2/3] Clover: Tests ended
      [09:31:13][Step 2/3] Clover: Generating report using default 'clover-report' task

      I've attached a chunk of the log file looping on the report generation, the full log file is 4GB before I stopped it.

      Also, I've attached a stack trace taken while it is seemingly looping.

      It's weird, we are evaluating clover and it works fine on our other project module, but not this one. The configuration is the same:

      clover {
          excludes = ['**/conf/**', '**/plugins/**', '**/migrations/**', '**/drillDown/**', '**/generator/**']
          initstring = ".clover/common.db"

        1. clover_loop.zip
          904 kB
        2. CLOVER-CoverageRecorders-200313-0908-462.pdf
          145 kB
        3. grails-clover-3.1.11.zip
          11 kB
        4. stacktrace.txt
          55 kB

              mparfianowicz Marek Parfianowicz
              e23cac2bea4b Aaron Long
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
