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  1. Atlassian Cloud
  2. CLOUD-6703

Tempo not usable due to 100.000 user license in OnDemand




      After the fix for the Licensing issue was rolled out, instances using a classic Tempo license cannot use tempo anymore as the License Tiers no longer match.

      Error message:
      Your JIRA license has a user limit of 100000 but your Tempo license has a user limit of X. The Tempo user limit must be greater than or equal to JIRAs

      Enable a Tempo trial from https://my.atlassian.com, this will allow you to keep using Tempo.

      A fix is expected within the next few days. Please remember to disable the Tempo trial once the fix has been released. More information will be posted here once it is available.

      Update 1
      We are experiencing delays with our license processing systems, please note that it may take a while for the trial license to be pushed to your instance. Our teams are working on getting this resolved ASAP.

      Update 2
      The fix For JIRA has been rolled out and we're currently making sure all licenses revert back to their normal level. We're doing this slowly to avoid interrupting your usual services and to avoid slowing down the licensing changes from my.atlassian.com. We're hoping to have licenses back in order within the next day, another update will be posted once all licenses are back to normal.

      Update 3

      We have now deployed a fix for this issue. If you are still experiencing problems, please contact Support on https://support.atlassian.com/

      Once your instance is showing the normal license count again (for example 25 instead of 100.000) please cancel the Tempo trial and revert back to your old vendor purchased license.
      Please do not cancel the Tempo trial. We are identifying the affected customers and are applying a fix to ensure you receive your original license period without any service disruption.


        1. Screen Shot 2013-08-19 at 10.36.56 AM.png
          18 kB
        2. tempo_increase_limit.png
          6 kB
          Dan Walkes

        Issue Links



              phill Patrick Hill
              imaduro Ivan Maduro (Inactive)
              12 Vote for this issue
              35 Start watching this issue

