• Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Fixed
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    • 2.4, 2.4 Iteration 6
    • None
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      com.atlassian.plugin.metadata.DefaultPluginMetadataManager.isUserInstalled(Plugin) is used by the UPM to decide whether to show a plugin in the "User-installed Plugins" or "System Plugins" container.

      return !plugin.isBundledPlugin() && !metadata.applicationProvided(plugin);

      The property file override logic resides in the metadata object, which is a com.atlassian.plugin.metadata.ClasspathFilePluginMetadata. Since the plugins are bundled, e.g. Balsamiq (com.balsamiq.confluence.plugins.mockups), the plugin object will be a com.atlassian.plugin.loaders.BundledPluginLoader.BundledPluginDelegate which returns true for isBundledPlugin().

      Thus we have to implement our own version of com.atlassian.plugin.metadata.PluginMetadataManager which overrides the behaviour of DefaultPluginMetadataManager.isUserInstalled(Plugin) and delegates for the rest.

              fakraemer fabs
              fakraemer fabs
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