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  1. Atlassian Cloud
  2. CLOUD-2295

Problem with fisheye and SVN integration with Studio


      Hi there,
      we've been running into a few issues with Studio and fisheye/SVN. I've raised this issue on FE-2519, but this was closed and suggested I move it over here. I don't think it is a problem with the actual applications themselves, but specifically the Studio implementation. From what I understand from comments on the support jira, some of this is to do with design decisions within Studio.

      1. Performance of SVN
      I'm not sure how the SVN repository is hosted, but we are having a lot of problems connecting. I understand the Atlassian team in Sydney use this (we're also in Sydney) but we're getting very slow connections. Another repo we use (hosted in AU) we get connections of 800-1200k/s. With this one we get typically around 20-40k, and this can drop to 5k. It seems to refuse big connections, so if we freeze anything inside a project (eg: rails or a plugin) it will take at least an hour or so to make an initial commit.
      I understand that having a hosted service won't suit every customer around the world geographically, but:

      1. this is completely different to the speed when accessing confluence and jira
      2. I'm ok with a bit of slowdown, but this is like using a dialup modem

      I also understand this is a problem with the hosting provider rather than the software, but from what I have been told having the location of the repo locally is "by design" in Studio. I'm not sure if this is the case, but having this means issues like this can't get resolved.

      2. Single repository
      All of the projects in studio are in a single repository, which causes various weird things to occur, such as version numbers that jump around (the head version is for the last checkin of any project, rather than the project you are working on).
      As a way of trying to speed up performance, I've asked the support team to turn off project level security. At that time I didn't understand that it was all just one repository rather than separate ones. Now I'm loathe to get it turned back on, just in case it makes it even slower.

      3. Imports
      Any imports or changes need to get handled by the support team. For a recent import of a not particularly big project (300mb), it took several days. Part of this was due to the very slow speed of the webdav area (seems to be around 5-10k/s).

      All of these issues could be resolved if I could just specify a URL for my SVN, rather than it being something I can't change. Perhaps this was left off in order to get Studio shipped, but it seems a shame - unfortunately it means for me that "source", "reviews" and "builds" are essentially broken features.

      Since opening that initial ticket a week or so ago, my team are now refusing to use any of the fisheye/svn/review/bamboo functionality. So I've flagged this as a critical issue. I've been trying to get my team to use Studio for everything, but things reached breaking point this week where people were on a deadline and were unable to commit and capistrano deploys were failing to run.

      I know you guys are pretty busy at the moment with Google marketplace, and didn't want this to seem a rant, but the SVN thing in Studio is causing me big headaches!

            Unassigned Unassigned
            f80ea12dbca4 Ben Still
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