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  1. Atlassian Cloud
  2. CLOUD-11874

When migrating Jira Cloud to Cloud, boards with missing filters are identified in pre-checks, but there is no way to delete them


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    • Jira Software, Jira Service Management

      Issue Summary

      When performing a Jira cloud-to-cloud migration, the pre-checks will identify affected boards (based on Board Location) with references to invalid filters, resulting in a log like this:

      Project Id,Project Name,Board Id,Board Name,Invalid Filter id
      12345,Project Name,120,Example Board Name,40543

      However, because the board is not accessible due to the invalid filter, it cannot be accessed for deletion or correction. This results in the migration being blocked.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: (no)
      Jira Cloud currently prevents you from deleting a filter that is currently associated with a board. Reproducing this problem would require manual intervention via the database.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a board and set the Location to a project that you will migrate from cloud-to-cloud.
      2. Manually invalidate the board by setting the associated filter to an invalid filter ID via the database.
      3. Attempt to migrate the project from cloud-to-cloud.

      Expected Results

      The precheck would provide a path to mitigate the boards that are blocking the migration. Some suggestions:

      • An option to delete the offending board
      • An option to update the offending board
      • An option to clear the Location field for the offending board

      Actual Results

      A log file is provided with the offending board. Atlassian Support must be engaged to remediate the boards.


      Contact Atlassian Support.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              33b51f2467cc Ahmed Raafat
              1 Vote for this issue
              11 Start watching this issue
