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  1. Atlassian Cloud
  2. CLOUD-11669

Jira Cloud to Cloud C2C should migration single version picker custom fields



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    • Jira Software


      Issue Summary

      Jira individual/single version picker custom fields should be migrated with Jira Cloud to Cloud migration

      Steps to Reproduce

      Jira Cloud source

      1. Login as Jira adminstrator.
      2. Create a custom field of type "Version picker (single version)"
      3. Associate it with the necessary screens and schemes
      4. Create a number of versions in a test project
      5. Populate Jira issue data in the test project with a version
      6. Use the Jira Cloud to Cloud migration tool to migrate projects

      Expected Results

      Version picker (single version) custom fields and custom field values are migrated using the Jira Cloud to Cloud migration tool.

      Actual Results

      Version picker (single version) custom fields and custom field values are not migrated.

      An error is thrown in the post-migration logs:

      UNSUPPORTED,ABC,Issue,ABC-64,Custom field value,The "Release Version" custom field is not supported via migration. The value for the change group in this issue will not be migrated.,If you require this custom field, re-create it in your cloud site and use a csv import to update the issues post migration. Learn more : https://support.atlassian.com/jira-cloud-administration/docs/import-data-from-a-csv-file/


      • Use CSV export and import to migrate custom field value data


        Issue Links



              Unassigned Unassigned
              887e911e3c81 Jimmy Van
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