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  1. Atlassian Cloud
  2. CLOUD-10910 Sandbox environment for Cloud (see sub-tasks for specific features)
  3. CLOUD-11482

Support users managed by an external directory in Jira during Sandbox Data Copy


      Issue Summary

      If in the Parent site there's an external directory managing the users besides the Jira internal, the users will not be imported to Sandbox and the copy process will fail. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Integrate any External directory to manage the users, e.g. Crowd, AD in Jira
      2. Add users to this external directory and they will be properly created in Jira and they're associated with this external directory.
      3. Start the copy data process to Sandbox.

      Expected Results

      The users from both the internal and external directories would be imported into Cloud.

      Actual Results

      The copy process fails and this error is shown in SBAS:

      "ValidationProgress(status=FAILED, rawProgress=100, subtask=null, message=, errors=[We have detected users from external directories. <a href="https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/migrating-from-external-directory-to-jira-internal-user-directory-968659306.html" target="_blank">Convert your external directory to internal ones on server</a>, take a fresh backup, import again. <a href="https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/determine-your-user-migration-strategy-991930388.html" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.])"


      Migrate the users from the external directory to the internal directory in the Parent instance prior to copying data.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              44981f7279ac Greice Faustino (Inactive)
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