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      When I have marketplace apps installed and configured on my Jira & Confluence production instance

      I want to be able to copy over the app data into my sandbox environment

      So that the sandbox has a representative data set for me to do UAT testing


            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

                JOB STORY

                When I have marketplace apps installed and configured on my Jira & Confluence production instance

                I want to be able to copy over the app data into my sandbox environment

                So that the sandbox has a representative data set for me to do UAT testing


                        face54eadb13 Shruti Narayan
                        rtandon@atlassian.com Ruchi Tandon
                        184 Vote for this issue
                        143 Start watching this issue


                            face54eadb13 Shruti Narayan
                            rtandon@atlassian.com Ruchi Tandon
                            184 Vote for this issue
                            143 Start watching this issue
