IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

      Problem Definition

      Customers are not able to push Assets Data to Sandbox. Due to that , all Assets custom field data will be broken. On top of that, due to Assets workspace ID different in Sandbox , imported automation with Assets related configuration will be broken. ( separated bug :

      Suggested Solution

      Ability to copy Assets data to Sandbox and remain the same workspace ID in Sandbox.

      Why this is important

      Easy for admin to apply the same Assets data in Sandbox.


      • Take object type export from Production and import it to Assets Sandbox.
      • Update again the Assets custom field configuration ( Reselect the object schema) .
      • Update again the automation configuration (Reselect the object schema)

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

                Problem Definition

                Customers are not able to push Assets Data to Sandbox. Due to that , all Assets custom field data will be broken. On top of that, due to Assets workspace ID different in Sandbox , imported automation with Assets related configuration will be broken. ( separated bug :

                Suggested Solution

                Ability to copy Assets data to Sandbox and remain the same workspace ID in Sandbox.

                Why this is important

                Easy for admin to apply the same Assets data in Sandbox.


                • Take object type export from Production and import it to Assets Sandbox.
                • Update again the Assets custom field configuration ( Reselect the object schema) .
                • Update again the automation configuration (Reselect the object schema)

                        fc26ad2ef06e Rishikesh .
                        nroslan Atiqah Roslan
                        578 Vote for this issue
                        270 Start watching this issue


                            fc26ad2ef06e Rishikesh .
                            nroslan Atiqah Roslan
                            578 Vote for this issue
                            270 Start watching this issue
