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  1. Bitbucket Data Center
  2. BSERV-9529

Pull Request race condition between push and attributed activity author


      Atlassian status as of November 2020

      Hi everyone,

      Thanks for voting and commenting on this bug. Your input in the comments helps us understand how this affects you and how to reproduce this issue.

      We fixed numerous subtle bugs in the rescoping process and this has resulted in a significant reduction of this problem in our internal environments. We encourage to upgrade to any of the fix versions mentioned in this ticket and provide feedback if the issues have been resolved.

      In addition, take a look at BSERV-Howtoself-serviceanddebugrescopingproblems-051120-0256.pdf or this knowledge article for more information about what exactly has been fixed and ways to further diagnose and fix this class of problems.

      Wolfgang Kritzinger

      Senior Developer - Bitbucket Server

      Important information

      Bitbucket < 5.10
      If you are facing this issue and running a version of Bitbucket earlier than 5.10, please upgrade to a newer version as discussed in this comment

      Shared filesystem
      If using a shared filesystem, make sure that the mount options match the ones described on the Install Bitbucket Data Center - Provision the shared database, filesystem, and Elasticsearch nodes page:

      bitbucket-san:/bitbucket-shared /var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket/shared nfs lookupcache=pos,noatime,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 0 0

      Problem description

      Under certain conditions, updates to PR's are falsely attributed to the wrong user.

      A message similar to the following appears in the logs:

      atlassian-bitbucket.log:2017-01-17 14:52:33,123 WARN  [pull-request-rescoping:thread-1]  c.a.s.i.p.r.PullRequestRescopeChain ATLAS/test-repo[1]#7493: A gap was detected in the pull request history: com.atlassian.stash.internal.pull.rescope.PullRequestRescopeChain$Segment@692afd98. Attributing the scope change to user jsmith and setting the rescope date to Tue Jan 17 14:52:32 PST 2017 based on known changes
      atlassian-bitbucket.log:2017-01-17 16:12:48,012 WARN  [pull-request-rescoping:thread-1]  c.a.s.i.p.r.PullRequestRescopeChain ATLAS/test-repo[1]#6438: A gap was detected in the pull request history: com.atlassian.stash.internal.pull.rescope.PullRequestRescopeChain$Segment@3336bb8f. Attributing the scope change to user dwho and setting the rescope date to Tue Jan 17 16:12:47 PST 2017 based on known changes

            Unassigned Unassigned
            dchevell Dave Chevell
            64 Vote for this issue
            85 Start watching this issue
