Resolution: Duplicate
When create a Pull Request with a conflict, if you click "More Information", then a dialog opens up with instructions to locally merge the feature branch into master, commit, and push to master along with a note that this will automatically mark the PR as merged.
This would totally circumvent the pull request and mark the PR as merged before it was done being reviewed. Also, very likely the developer will not and should not have permission to push directly to the master branch.
This is not the workflow we want our engineers to follow. Is there a way to customize these instructions on our local installation of Bitbucket. Also we would humbly suggest Atlassian change these instructions to a workflow that does not require the developer to push directly to the master branch - either by merging/rebasing master into the feature branch (locally) or by creating a conflict-resolution branch as described here: https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/39126202/answers/39126269
- duplicates
BSERV-7561 Improve merge conflict resolution instructions
- Gathering Interest