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  1. Bitbucket Data Center
  2. BSERV-5011

Stash crash after submitting PR comment with a lot of markdown syntax




      lStash crashes after submitting a pull request comment with a lot of markdown syntax

      Example comment text that will crash Stash:

      + karma start safeavenue/iframe/tests/config/karma-ci-conf.js v2_1
      [32mINFO [karma]: [39mKarma v0.12.16 server started at http://localhost:9876/
      [32mINFO [launcher]: [39mStarting browser PhantomJS
      [33mWARN [watcher]: [39mPattern "/opt/jenkins/jobs/sa-shahyu-frontend-unittest/workspace/safeavenue/iframe/v2_1/js/sa-ui.js" does not match any file.
      [32mINFO [PhantomJS 1.9.7 (Linux)]: [39mConnected on socket fZxLH9SmJYGkB23586Yo with id 3032741
      [31mPhantomJS 1.9.7 (Linux) installSecController Tests:  downloadByEmail() tests should NOT create a virtual device when reinstall is true but deliverByEmail directly FAILED[39m
               Expected spy deliverByEmail to have been called with [ { licenseUuid : 'yyyy', emailAddr : 'test@infra.gtn' }, Function ] but actual calls were [ { licenseUuid : 'yyyy', emailAddr : 'test@infra.gtn' }, Function ]
      [31mPhantomJS 1.9.7 (Linux) installSecController Tests:  downloadBySms() tests should NOT create a virtual device when reinstall is true but deliverBySms directly FAILED[39m
               Expected spy deliverBySms to have been called with [ { licenseUuid : 'yyyy', phoneNumber : '1234567890' }, Function ] but actual calls were [ { licenseUuid : 'yyyy', phoneNumber : '1234567890' }, Function ]
      [31mPhantomJS 1.9.7 (Linux) installSecController Tests:  createDeviceByEmailCallBack() should call deliverByEmail when no error FAILED[39m
               Expected spy deliverByEmail to have been called with [ { licenseUuid : 'testxxxx', emailAddr : 'test@infra.gtn' }, Function ] but actual calls were [ { licenseUuid : 'testxxxx', emailAddr : 'test@infra.gtn' }, Function ]
      [31mPhantomJS 1.9.7 (Linux) installSecController Tests:  gotoScrnSendEmailSuccess() should send success alert message when success FAILED[39m
               Expected spy addAlert to have been called with [ { type : 'success', msg : 'installer_email_sent' } ] but it was never called.
      [31mPhantomJS 1.9.7 (Linux) installSecController Tests:  createDeviceBySmsCallBack() should call deliverBySms when no error FAILED[39m
               Expected spy deliverBySms to have been called with [ { licenseUuid : 'testxxxx', phoneNumber : '1234567890' }, Function ] but actual calls were [ { licenseUuid : 'testxxxx', phoneNumber : '1234567890' }, Function ]
      [31mPhantomJS 1.9.7 (Linux) installSecController Tests:  gotoScrnSendSmsSuccess() should send success alert message when success FAILED[39m
               Expected spy addAlert to have been called with [ { type : 'success', msg : 'installer_sms_sent' } ] but it was never called.
      PhantomJS 1.9.7 (Linux): Executed 292 of 292[31m (6 FAILED)[39m (1.275 secs / 1.219 secs)


        Issue Links



              mheemskerk Michael Heemskerk (Inactive)
              dlee@atlassian.com Deric Lee (Inactive)
              3 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue

