Resolution: Tracked Elsewhere
Go to a /plugins/servlet URL that you don't have permission to access.
You get a redirect loop. Should get 401.
- duplicates
BSERV-6871 Redirect loop when logged user has no permissions to see a plugin admin page
- Closed
- is caused by
BSERV-3118 Do not show login form for logged in users
- Closed
AO-671 The login redirect of `servlet/active-objects/tables/list' on authorisation failure causes redirect loop in Stash.
- Done
EMBCWD-996 Failed to load
UPM-5079 The login URI generated on authentication failure will cause Stash redirect loops
- Done
- mentioned in
Page Loading...
Stash made the decision to redirect from the login if you are logged in. We still want this to happen. Stash is fundamentally of the opinion that you render a 401 (probably should be a 403) when you can't see a page rather than redirecting you a the login page. JIRA and Connie redirect to the login page and this is what the shared plugins do. This means we are at a fundamental disagreement.
We could implement a mechanism to allow plugins to do the application specific correct behaviour on authorisation failure, however, for such a small bug I don't think it warrants the extra work.
The smallest fix is to just make the plugin pass the right permission to the login screen. I have fixed EMBCWD-996 which should be coming into bitbucket as part of the platform 3 work (STASHDEV-10350). The other plugins (AO) is not linked (aka not worth fixing) in the UI and UPM is much too complicated for me to fix. I will close the issue awaiting fixes by those other teams.