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  1. Bitbucket Data Center
  2. BSERV-4669

Show any commits inside a properly named feature branch in that issue's development panel



    • 3
    • We collect Bitbucket feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.


      I first wasn't sure if this was a bug or missing feature, Support confirmed it was the latter (see JSP-191903).
      Support suggested that I create the feature request in the Stash project; please move to JIRA if it rather belongs there.

      So I have a repo in Stash with the feature branching stuff turned on and configured, and I have set up JIRA integration.
      After creating my first issue for a bug, I used the "Create feature branch" link in JIRA's Development Panel to start development on it. I saw the branch was already named with the issue key and summary (e.g. "bugfix/IDC-2-issue-summary-goes-here"), so I committed all my stuff in there without mentioning the issue key again in the commit messages, expecting them to still show up in JIRA's Source Tab because the branch had the issue key in its name – I thought JIRA was "smart" enough to also catch them because of that, which it obviously does not.

      Wouldn't it make more sense to treat any commit in such feature branches relevant? Because I think there aren't that many cases in which you'd commit code into a specialized feature branch dedicated to one single JIRA issue that has nothing to do with that feature/linked issue at all. And since programmers are generally lazy, why (remember to!) type the issue key into every single commit message when it's already there, sitting in the branch name where JIRA/Stash could theoretically find it too?
      I of course understand that, with a very basic branching scheme where everyone directly commits their stuff to `master`, you'd of course need the key directly in commit messages – but when using `git-flow` and the like (like me in this case here) it really doesn't make any sense at all.

      After all it also would add some consistency, given JIRA's "Create feature branch" feature which already prepopulates the branch name field in the form with the issue key per default as well as Stash's specific support for feature branching. Those were the two major points that caused my confusion here leading to the support request - I simply expected JIRA/Stash to work like that because these two features were there.


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              239cc0d4a57d julianrupp
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