Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Errors in documentation (Stash home directory // Stash installation directory)
Link: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/STASH/Connecting+Stash+to+an+external+database
Download and install the JDBC driver
The JDBC drivers for MySQL are not bundled with Stash (due to licensing restrictions). You need to download and install the driver yourself.
Download the MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver from the download site.
Expand the downloaded zip/tar.gz file.
Copy the mysql-connector-java-5.1.XX-bin.jar file from the extracted directory to your <Stash home directory> /lib directory (for Stash 2.1 or later).
Stop Stash, on Windows, or on Linux and Mac .
Restart Stash, on Windows, or on Linux and Mac.
Error: <Stash home directory>
Correction: <Stash installation directory>
Link: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/STASH/Stash+upgrade+guide
If you are using MySQL
Stash does not ship with the MySQL database driver.
You need to reinstall the driver in the new installation, or copy the previous driver from the old <Stash installation directory>/lib to the new <Stash home directory>/lib.
Error: <Stash home directory>
Correction: <Stash installation directory>
- relates to
BSERV-3163 Driver not available when running Stash as Windows service using $STASH_HOME/lib
- Closed