Resolution: Unresolved
Provide a UI that permits set a SQL Server instance name when configuring the database.
Alternative: Allow control of most of the JDBC URL.
Modify stash-config.properties directly: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/STASHKB/Connecting+to+named+instances+in+SQL+Server+from+Stash
- causes
BSERV-8311 Support for SQL Server named instances
- Closed
- is related to
BSERV-3440 Stash does not allow entering PostgreSQL JDBC URL (or otherwise configuring the connection to use SSL)
- Gathering Interest
- mentioned in
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Today, I could successfully start a migration to a named instance.
My database administrator assigned an extra port 1440 for our instance "RND" (additionally to 1433).
See screenshot for details: