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  1. Bitbucket Data Center
  2. BSERV-3722

Cannot grant access to private repositories


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None
    • 2.5.1
    • 1. login as User A
      2. forks some project/repository to UserA/repository
      3. Go to Settings/Permissions and grant access to User B
      4. logout and login as User B: User B doesn't see UserA/repository

      User A forks a repository under his name: userA/repository.
      Then userA grants access via groups and via individual users.
      User B (member of the authorized group) doesn't see userA/repository.
      Same with individual user.

      Actually, the way to see it is to change the URL to xxxx/users/userA, then to see the accessible repository of user A and to select the one that interests us.
      Is there another way? What are we doing wrong?

            Unassigned Unassigned
            cd46b9df3301 michele hallak
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            2 Start watching this issue
