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  1. Bitbucket Data Center
  2. BSERV-19341

REST API for adding a PR comment, doesn't validate the fromHash




      Issue Summary

      The fromHash field isn't validated in the Add pull request comment REST API query.
      This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes) / (no)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a PR on the Bitbucket UI
      2. Try to add a comment via the REST API.

      Expected Results

      Adding an invalid fromHash should show an error.

      Actual Results

      Adding an invalid fromHash makes no difference and a commit is added based on the toHash:

      ajaitly@hostname ~ % curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' --user "admin" https://instenv-257291-bblr.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/FIR/repos/avengers-repo/pull-requests/5/comments -d '{"text": "test comment for pull request number 5", "anchor": {"path": "README.md", "line": 1, "fileType": "TO", "diffType": "COMMIT", "fromHash": "helloworld", "toHash": "16ac6cd895bcc841256ccd5e05fdd70b66ae5d66"}}'
      Enter host password for user 'admin':
      {"properties":{"repositoryId":13},"id":43,"version":0,"text":"test comment for pull request number 5","author":{"name":"admin","emailAddress":"admin@admin.com","active":true,"displayName":"Ansible Admin","id":2,"slug":"admin","type":"NORMAL","links":{"self":[{"href":"https://instenv-257291-bblr.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/users/admin"}]}},"createdDate":1711869462381,"updatedDate":1711869462381,"comments":[],"threadResolved":false,"severity":"NORMAL","state":"OPEN","permittedOperations":{"editable":true,"transitionable":true,"deletable":true}}%

      Not adding a toHash however, gives an error message:

      ajaitly@hostname ~ % curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' --user "admin" https://instenv-257291-bblr.instenv.internal.atlassian.com/rest/api/1.0/projects/FIR/repos/avengers-repo/pull-requests/5/comments -d '{"text": "test comment for pull request number 5", "anchor": {"path": "README.md", "line": 1, "fileType": "TO", "diffType": "COMMIT", "fromHash": "helloworld"}}'
      Enter host password for user 'admin':
      {"errors":[{"context":null,"message":"The toHash must be provided when adding a comment to a COMMIT diff.","exceptionName":"com.atlassian.bitbucket.validation.ArgumentValidationException"}]}%

      Not adding the fromHash field however breaks the PR page and none of the tabs including Overview, Diff, Commits etc are accessible. This is detailed in the below FR ticket:

      It looks like the fromHash is only checked if it's a diffType=RANGE comment. If diffType=COMMIT, only toHash is checked. I think via the UI, one can't do a RANGE comment.

      • But if fromHash is a required field even in "diffType": "COMMIT", shouldn't it be validated too?


      Add valid fromHash and toHash fields in the API query.




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            04f11a9d4cc8 Apoorva
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