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Uploaded image for project: 'Bitbucket Data Center'
  1. Bitbucket Data Center
  2. BSERV-12963

When adding comments in PR with Korean/Chinese/Japanese language, the "Comments cannot be empty" error is thrown

      Issue Summary

      When adding comments in PR with Korean/Chinese/Japanese language, the "Comments cannot be empty" error is thrown

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Setup a PR request on Bitbucket.
      2. Install a Korean(Or Chinese or Japanese) keyboard layout on your computer.
      3. Navigate to a pull request and Click Add Comment and type a comment in Korean or Chinese or Japanese. Then click "Comment" button to save it and you will see "Comments cannot be empty" error is thrown.
      4. Same is case when you edit and save an existing comment in Korean or Chinese or Japanese.

      Expected Results

      The comment typed should be saved.

      Actual Results

      The comment is not saved and "Comments cannot be empty" error is thrown.


      After typing the comment in Korean or Chinese or Japanese, press Right-Arrow or Enter key to release the Keyboard from language composition mode and then click Save or Comment button to successfully save the comment.

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Bitbucket Data Center'
            1. Bitbucket Data Center
            2. BSERV-12963

            When adding comments in PR with Korean/Chinese/Japanese language, the "Comments cannot be empty" error is thrown

                Issue Summary

                When adding comments in PR with Korean/Chinese/Japanese language, the "Comments cannot be empty" error is thrown

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Setup a PR request on Bitbucket.
                2. Install a Korean(Or Chinese or Japanese) keyboard layout on your computer.
                3. Navigate to a pull request and Click Add Comment and type a comment in Korean or Chinese or Japanese. Then click "Comment" button to save it and you will see "Comments cannot be empty" error is thrown.
                4. Same is case when you edit and save an existing comment in Korean or Chinese or Japanese.

                Expected Results

                The comment typed should be saved.

                Actual Results

                The comment is not saved and "Comments cannot be empty" error is thrown.


                After typing the comment in Korean or Chinese or Japanese, press Right-Arrow or Enter key to release the Keyboard from language composition mode and then click Save or Comment button to successfully save the comment.

                        cb3955cd8c67 Carlos Sanchez Rosa
                        ephillips@atlassian.com Edward
                        3 Vote for this issue
                        11 Start watching this issue


                              cb3955cd8c67 Carlos Sanchez Rosa
                              ephillips@atlassian.com Edward
                              Affected customers:
                              3 This affects my team
                              11 Start watching this issue
