Resolution: Fixed
The documentation Set up a Mirror and Set up and configure a Mirror Farm are both missing critical information regarding deployment considerations that have serious impact on the performance of the mirror/mirror farm
Please add\modify the following items to the "Before you start" section:
- There is an item on the list, "The platform the mirrors are running on must meet the same minimum requirements for Bitbucket Data Center" and there is a link to the Supported Platforms page. However this is not accurate for the database or the shared storage. Add a comment that mentions these exceptions to the Supported Platforms page
- Smart Mirrors must use the internal database only. Using any external database is not recommended and will impact Performance.
- If an external RDMBS is to be used, each Mirror and each Mirror Farm node must have its own unique database, a shared database can not be used
- Each node of a Mirror Farm is considered unique. While there is some intra-node communication in a Mirror Farm, each node of the farm must NOT use shared disk storage.
- Using NFS at all is strongly discouraged and local disk only is the expectation
Consider reminders in section "1. Install Bitbucket on the mirror" for the Smart Mirror page and section "2. Install Bitbucket on the mirror node" of the Mirror Farm page with additional details about why these infrastructure / deployment configuration points are critical for acceptable performance of a Mirror or Mirror Farm
The "Set up and configure a mirror farm" document refers the reader to the Bitbucket Data Center installation page and while the first reference is specifically for the Load Balancer configuration step, there is another place (Step 2.5) that also refers the reader to the Install Bitbucket Data Center page, so it could be understood that the Data Center install page is important and that page discusses the need for an external database and shared storage, following those recommendations are detrimental to the performance of Smart Mirrors and Mirror Farms so we need to more clear directions
- is related to
BSERV-10137 Smart mirror setup documentation should have the details of communication between primary and smart mirror and ports to be opened
- Gathering Interest
- mentioned in
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