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  1. Bitbucket Data Center
  2. BSERV-12350

Build information link is showing empty in case of CI didn't sent a build-name to REST endpoint


      Issue Summary

      After 7.0 the build information screen on commits and pull request has inconsistent appearance. Previously if the build-name was not sent to REST endpoint it would be showing build-key.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a build or sent the JSON file to Build status REST endpoint for a certain commit.
      2. Create another build with empty value for build-name to the same commit.

      Expected Results

      • The first build is showing build-name with a link to a build
      • The second build is showing build-key with a link to a build

      Actual Results

      • The first build is showing build-name with a link to a build
      • The second build has no title in HTML tag so empty row

      The behavior is inconsistent across different screens: it shows build-key with a link on the pull requests page (i.e projects/DEMO/repos/test/pull-requests) and empty row if you open build information from the pull request overview


      Make sure that all builds updates sent by your CI has both build-name and build-key

            madamczak Maciej Adamczak (Inactive)
            ashaleev Anton Shaleev
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
