We as an enterprise company have commissioned an external outsourcing company to support our on-premise servers and applications, as the management has decided that this is not a core task of our company. But now customers while audits complain that non employees gets "simple" access to our Intellectual Property (IP), i.e. the source code we manage in BItbucket, and that this is a security issue in our R&D process if source code is directly related to the customer, what is likely possible for specific customer customization's. Because of the missing Bitbucket functionality of encrypted storage of the source code on the server hard-disks we are no longer allowed to use Bitbucket for these projects and with this our R&D landscape is currently getting diverse again as it was before BItbucket. Our management is not thinking about in-sourcing again the server and application administration as someone might think about, no, instead they question the usefulness of Bitbucket as our source code management system because it cannot meet our security requirements to the extent desired.
So please bring encryption at rest (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_at_rest) also to your on-premise data center solutions, as this is a essential security feature that we as enterprise company absolutely need.
has there been any movement here on this?