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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-9686

File encoding in diff view (BB-10792)


      When I see a commit that changes ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 to fix accent, in the diff view the result is inversed, for example:

      -Categoría:</td><td align="right">
      +CategorĂ­a:</td><td align="right">

      But in the source code in RAW mode, the code is:

      Categoría:</td><td align="right">

      I made some refactor in my company project to fix this and transform with iconv all files in ISO-8859-1 to UTf-8, and every commit that I see in diff view the result is inversed (only in diff view, in code it's perfect!)

      I can show the link to commit to Bitbucket's support team if needed.

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