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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-8322

Add clones and pushes to audit logging (BB-9452)


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      We would like to add clones and pushes activities to the audit logging as it would help us to keep track of:

      1. The active users
      2. The owner of the content being pushed to Bitbucket (especially when it does not match with the "committer")
      3. After maintenance such as BFG and LFS, who did clone the latest version of the repository.

      These changes would be related to the feature http://blog.bitbucket.org/2013/08/15/new-audit-logs-give-you-the-who-what-when-and-where/

            dparrish Dave Parrish [Atlassian]
            mbertrand aMarcus (Inactive)
            203 Vote for this issue
            163 Start watching this issue
