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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-5232

Authentication failed for any repo


      Hello there, I don't want to seem retarded but since few days I can't do anything on my repo anymore.

      When I want to clone, push or pull one of my repo, I've got a 'fatal: Authentication failed'

      Here is my git config of one of my repo:

          repositoryformatversion = 0
          filemode = true
          bare = false
          logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
          fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
          url = https://depierre@bitbucket.org/depierre/ag44pow4.git
      [branch "master"]
          remote = origin
          merge = refs/heads/master
          postBuffer = 524288000

      If for instance I try 'url = https://depierre:PASSWORD@bitbucket.org/depierre/ag44pow4.git' (of course PASSWORD was my real password)
      and if I use the command 'GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 git push origin master'
      I've got this:

      * Couldn't find host bitbucket.org in the .netrc file; using defaults
      * About to connect() to bitbucket.org port 443 (#0)
      *   Trying
      * Connected to bitbucket.org ( port 443 (#0)
      * Connected to bitbucket.org ( port 443 (#0)
      * successfully set certificate verify locations:
      *   CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
        CApath: none
      * SSL connection using AES256-SHA
      * Server certificate:
      * 	 subject: businessCategory=Private Organization;;; serialNumber=3928449; street=375 Alabama St Ste 325; postalCode=94110; C=US; ST=CA; L=San Francisco; O=Atlassian, Inc.; CN=bitbucket.org
      * 	 start date: 2012-01
      * 	 expire date: 2014-03
      * 	 subjectAltName: bitbucket.org matched
      * 	 issuer: C=US; O
      * 	 SSL certificate verify ok.
      > GET /depierre/ag44pow4.git/info/refs?service=git-receive-pack HTTP/1.1
      User-Agent: git/1.8.0
      Host: bitbucket.org
      Accept: */*
      Accept-Encoding: gzip
      Pragma: no-cache
      < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
      < Server: nginx/1.0.6
      < Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2012 18:22:05 GMT
      < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
      < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Bitbucket.org HTTP", nonce="4ccbc66d6d139135662270c145a8eece", qop="auth", opaque="f519148d6feb0b6c8135f1eb9ecb2ac4"
      * Ignoring the response-body
      * Connection BCLOUD-0 to host bitbucket.org left intact
      * Issue another request to this URL: &#x27;https://depierre:PASSWORD@bitbucket.org/depierre/ag44pow4.git/info/refs?service=git-receive-pack&#x27;
      * Couldn&#x27;t find host bitbucket.org in the .netrc file; using defaults
      * Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host bitbucket.org
      * Connected to bitbucket.org ( port 443 (#0)
      * Server auth using Digest with user &#x27;depierre&#x27;
      > GET /depierre/ag44pow4.git/info/refs?service=git-receive-pack HTTP/1.1
      Authorization: Digest username="depierre", realm="Bitbucket.org HTTP", nonce="4ccbc66d6d139135662270c145a8eece", uri="/depierre/ag44pow4.git/info/refs?service=git-receive-pack", cnonce="MDAyMzI0", nc=00000001, qop=auth, response="d9d6aaaa4e32a2546b4fb409de48d165", opaque="f519148d6feb0b6c8135f1eb9ecb2ac4"
      User-Agent: git/1.8.0
      Host: bitbucket.org
      Accept: */*
      Accept-Encoding: gzip
      Pragma: no-cache
      < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      < Server: nginx/1.0.6
      < Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2012 18:22:06 GMT
      < Content-Type: application/x-git-receive-pack-advertisement
      < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
      * Connection BCLOUD-0 to host bitbucket.org left intact
      Counting objects: 14, done.
      Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
      Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
      Writing objects: 100% (9/9), 2.26 KiB, done.
      Total 9 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
      * Couldn&#x27;t find host bitbucket.org in the .netrc file; using defaults
      * About to connect() to bitbucket.org port 443 (#0)
      *   Trying
      * connected
      * Connected to bitbucket.org ( port 443 (#0)
      * successfully set certificate verify locations:
      *   CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
        CApath: none
      * SSL re-using session ID
      * SSL connection using AES256-SHA
      * old SSL session ID is stale, removing
      * Server certificate:
      * 	 subject: businessCategory=Private Organization;;; serialNumber=3928449; street=375 Alabama St Ste 325; postalCode=94110; C=US; ST=CA; L=San Francisco; O=Atlassian, Inc.; CN=bitbucket.org
      * 	 start date: 2012-01
      * 	 expire date: 2014-03
      * 	 subjectAltName: bitbucket.org matched
      * 	 issuer: C=US; O
      * 	 SSL certificate verify ok.
      > POST /depierre/ag44pow4.git/git-receive-pack HTTP/1.1
      User-Agent: git/1.8.0
      Host: bitbucket.org
      Accept-Encoding: gzip
      Content-Type: application/x-git-receive-pack-request
      Accept: application/x-git-receive-pack-result
      Content-Length: 2448
      * upload completely sent off: 2448 out of 2448 bytes
      < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
      < Server: nginx/1.0.6
      < Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2012 18:22:08 GMT
      < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
      * Authentication problem. Ignoring this.
      < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Bitbucket.org HTTP", nonce="8534b8004d73d2d137cecbdd3a29cf86", qop="auth", opaque="0d9213d329380eaa69b47db374c1b66e"
      * The requested URL returned error: 401
      * Closing connection BCLOUD-0
      error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 401
      fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
      fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
      Everything up-to-date

      I've got the same result for clone and pull request. I also changed my password to a trivial one and it fails too.

      Do you have any idea to help me?

      Thank you.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              25aaa6a185d2 depierre
              3 Vote for this issue
              17 Start watching this issue
