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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-23215

Using the "Revert" workflow from a Pull Request does not auto-target the correct destination branch




      Issue Summary

      When following the workflow to revert a merged pull request, the Bitbucket platform will automatically create a new branch with the changes necessary to revert a PR, however, when the UI loads into the PR creation page, despite the source branch being selected as expected, the destination branch is not updated. This can result in accident merges to the wrong branch as the process appears to be automated yet this key detail is not.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Merge a PR for a destination branch other than the main/default branch.
      2. Use the UI to "revert" the PR
      3. (Optional) Change the name of the new branch that Bitbucket will create for you
      4. Follow the redirect to a new PR creation page and notice that the destination branch is incorrect

      Expected Results

      Since the revert is being selected from within another PR where the destination branch is known information, and since the new branch contains the appropriate code changes, it is expected that the destination branch should also be expected as it is used throughout the automated revert workflow.

      Actual Results

      When the new PR is created, the source branch is correctly selected, but the destination branch defaults to the main/default branch instead of the appropriate destination branch.


      Manually update the destination branch before the PR is created. This is an error-prone manual task compared to the rest of the revert workflow.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            miwalker Michael Walker
            9 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

