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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-23189

Pipelines build completion status icon is inconsistent in Pipelines history vs PR view


    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 11
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      Pipelines doesnt own the PR view - Ive posted a slack message in #bbc-corex-kodak asking who the owner should be.

      Pipelines doesnt own the PR view - Ive posted a slack message in #bbc-corex-kodak asking who the owner should be.

      Issue Summary

      • When a build has completed automatic steps, but pending manual steps - it will display as a green circle icon in the Pipelines build history
      • When a build has completed all of its steps, it will display a green tick icon
      • This is inconsistent with the PR view which will show a green tick icon regardless of whether or not there are still manual pending steps
      • A customer argues that this should be raised as a bug, as it essentially makes the build status feature in the PR view completely useless for them for reviewing purposes, as they would not consider a build with pending manual steps to be completed
      • At the very least, the green circle vs green tick logic should be consistent across all aspects of Bitbucket for reviewing purposes

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Run a build that has manual steps to completion, do not run the manual steps
      2. Observe the status in Pipelines history (green circle)
      3. Create a PR and observe the status in PR view (green tick)

      Expected Results

      1. The icon logic should be consistent across all of Bitbucket, it should pull the data from Pipelines and display the same as in the Pipelines history

      Actual Results

      1. The icon for builds is inconsistent, it shows differently in build history vs PR view


      • Currently no workaround other than to manually check the build history rather than rely on the build status feature in the PR view

            Unassigned Unassigned
            57b7f67f3625 Ben
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