Uploaded image for project: 'Bitbucket Cloud'
  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-23182

Project admins within workspaces that have the UUM experience are unable to fork repositories




      Issue Summary

      • Raising this bug ticket as an extension of BCLOUD-22884 
      • The same behavior is experienced with UUM workspaces and there may be a different root cause despite the symptoms being identical, hence the necessity to track this
      • Users defined under project permissions with admin/create access within a specific user group can create a repository but cannot fork a repository into the project, they receive the following error:
        Error: "You can't create repositories under this account. You must specify an owner."
        You do not have sufficient permissions to create repositories in this project/workspace. You must specify an owner."
      • The usual workaround to enable the "Can create repositories for this workspace" setting within user groups is not possible for UUM workspaces due to users being managed solely within Atlassian Admin
      • At this stage, despite having Create/Admin project permissions - only users with Product Admin role are able to fork repositories into their projects

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Add a user to project permissions with Create/Admin permission setting
      2. Have that user be defined as a regular user in Atlassian Admin (not Product Admin)
      3. Ask them to attempt to fork a repository into their project, they will receive an error

      Expected Results

      • Having project create/admin permission should be sufficient enough for the user to fork repositories into their project

      Actual Results

      • Despite having project create/admin permission, this is not possible - the user also has to have Product Admin role in UUM


      • Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. The user either has to be added as a Product Admin in Atlassian Admin settings, or, they must forward their fork requests to Product Admin users to action on their behalf


        Issue Links



              Unassigned Unassigned
              57b7f67f3625 Ben
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              4 Start watching this issue

