We use one workspace for a fairly large department. Within this, each team will work with one or more projects, which in turn will contain multiple runners.
Presently, we have to maintain a set of "global" runners which we setup on the workspace for everyone to use - but there are instances where teams would like to have their own set of runners for their own repositories. Setting up runners per repository isn't great here, because they cannot be resused by another repository. Ideally a team would be able to setup a pool of runners, which they look after by themselves and can use across all their repositories. Project level runners would really help here.
At the moment, the best thing I can think of is to setup team owned runners on the workspace, and then use one label for each team - but this isn't great, because it means a team member needs to be a workspace administrator to setup their runner (which is not great) plus there is nothing to stop any pipeline stealing a runner that is not meant to be used that pipeline (e.g. if I just specify I want a linux runner, I'll get any linux runner, regardless of whether it had a team label or not, so I could accidentally steal a runner that should be reserved for a specific team.
We use one workspace for a fairly large department. Within this, each team will work with one or more projects, which in turn will contain multiple runners.
Presently, we have to maintain a set of "global" runners which we setup on the workspace for everyone to use - but there are instances where teams would like to have their own set of runners for their own repositories. Setting up runners per repository isn't great here, because they cannot be resused by another repository. Ideally a team would be able to setup a pool of runners, which they look after by themselves and can use across all their repositories. Project level runners would really help here.
At the moment, the best thing I can think of is to setup team owned runners on the workspace, and then use one label for each team - but this isn't great, because it means a team member needs to be a workspace administrator to setup their runner (which is not great) plus there is nothing to stop any pipeline stealing a runner that is not meant to be used that pipeline (e.g. if I just specify I want a linux runner, I'll get any linux runner, regardless of whether it had a team label or not, so I could accidentally steal a runner that should be reserved for a specific team.