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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-22032

Runner Update Options


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Currently, the only way to identify if a new runner version is available or not is by looking at the runner section in the build log.


      • Web page with different runner versions along with changelog.
      • Optional Auto Update feature for runners.

      For example (Windows runner) :
      https://product-downloads.atlassian.com/software/bitbucket/pipelines/atlassian-bitbucket-pipelines-runner-latest.zip (should point to the latest runner version)

      And version details on specific versions of the runner.
      Addition: provide auto-update option on containers

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              mabraham@atlassian.com ManuA
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