Resolution: Fixed
As with Default Reviewers, having a list of Default Tasks for newly created Pull Requests would be amazing. Being able to specify these per target branch pattern would also be wonderful - similar to how Branch permissions are defined per target branch.
I've found other people also requesting this feature and they sum it up very nicely:
(From https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Bitbucket-questions/Default-Tasks-for-new-PRs/qaq-p/1265772)
I'd like to configure default tasks per-repository that are added to all new PRs.
Use case: add tasks "QA tested" and "UX reviewed" that need to be checked off before the PR can be merged to remind devs to do these things. We do not want to require approvals by specific people/roles, just tasks for reminding the devs because any dev is allowed to QA test.
There is a plugin for this, but it's quite buggy and overpriced for what it is (even though, yes we are saying we would pay a little more to have it in the core product).
Thank you for your time!