Resolution: Unresolved
Severity 2 - Major
Issue Summary
The PR:updated or PR:created webhooks truncate commit hashes instead of giving you the full commit hash.
This is a problem mainly with workflows that require git fetch to be executed - Git fetch requires the full commit hash, so this limitation actively breaks certain workflows
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a webhook that has PR:updated or PR:Created as its event
- Trigger the PR:updated/PR:createdevent by updating a Pull request
- You should be able to see that the payload truncates the commit SHA field to have only the first 12 characters of the commit SHA
Expected Results
The complete commit SHA should be sent on the payload, like this:
[...] {"commitId":"abc15321e9fa3485898703e88d3a72a6161adf4b", [...]
Actual Results
Only the first 12 characters of the commit SHA are sent on the PR:Updated or PR:Created events:
[...] {"commitId":"abc15321e9fa", [...]
Currently, there is no way to work around this, in case you require the hook payload to run Git fetch.
A workaround will be added here when available