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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-19944

Audit log - Add more granular control of changes on repositories access


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      Bitbucket has released Bitbucket audit logs in Atlassian Access. This is Bitbucket's first release of events, which include workspace, project, and repository administration and configuration event logs. Additional events will be released over the next few weeks to provide further event coverage. The audit log feature in Atlassian Access includes an API so the logs can be exported to an SIEM tool, as well as a UI to search through and export the logs.

      In order to enable the logs in Atlassian Access, you will need to link your Bitbucket workspace to your Atlassian Organization, detailed instructions are provided here.

      More information on the audit log feature in Atlassian Access and how to enable the Bitbucket logs can be found here.

      Bitbucket has released Bitbucket audit logs in Atlassian Access. This is Bitbucket's first release of events, which include workspace, project, and repository administration and configuration event logs. Additional events will be released over the next few weeks to provide further event coverage. The audit log feature in Atlassian Access includes an API so the logs can be exported to an SIEM tool, as well as a UI to search through and export the logs. In order to enable the logs in Atlassian Access, you will need to link your Bitbucket workspace to your Atlassian Organization, detailed instructions are provided here . More information on the audit log feature in Atlassian Access and how to enable the Bitbucket logs can be found here .

      Currently, when adding new users to the account, being it to a repository or to a group, Bitbucket creates a log in the Audit log page.
      The same does not happen when the user is granted access to some group/repository and he/she already is:

      • A member of the account OR
      • Has access to any repository that the account owns.

      We would like to have this information on our account Audit log page as, doing so, we would be able to keep track of:

      1. Who granted access to the "X" user and to what content
      2. Who was added to the "X" repository
      3. When did the events above mentioned happened

            dparrish Dave Parrish [Atlassian]
            gmarcolino+atlassian_conflict Gabriel M (Inactive)
            5 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
