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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-19821

Pipelines build teardown step doesn't record the duration it takes to compress and upload the docker cache


      Issue Summary

      Specifically, when using 'docker caching' in Pipelines the time taken to compress and upload cache is not being added to the "Build teardown" step. Therefore, the total time accrued during the build with docker caching involved would show a different total build time when compared to the sum of the time taken for each individual step.

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Run a pipelines build with docker caching enabled
      • Pull a heavy image during the build.
      • The docker cache compress and upload time in Build Teardown step will not be involved. Thus the total build time will be different when compared to the time taken by each individual step.

      Expected Results

      • The Build Teardown step in pipelines build should include the time taken by docker cache compression and upload.

      Actual Results

      • The time taken by docker caching compression and upload is not included within build teardown step. However, this is not the case with custom caching and the issue is just restricted to docker caching.

      That being said, all features and billing seem to be in order and the total time taken for the build is correct.


      The only workaround here is to reach out to support to know about the actual time taken for the build teardown step if docker caching is involved.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ssingh4 Saurabh Singh (Inactive)
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