Resolution: Fixed
I have 2 environments I deploy to, and the Pipelines for these deployments are multi-step but the steps are the same. I use variables to pass in details from BitBucket into the scripts that run, and use these variables across the steps. Ideally, I'd like my scripts to be able to use variables in their steps, but the values of those variables vary according to the "deployment".
I can't find a way of using Deployments and Deployment variables to use the same pipeline for the different environments. It doesn't appear possible to have multiple steps in the same pipeline with the same deployment value (test/staging/production).
Deployment variables only seem to be useful for different steps in the same pipeline (i.e. step 1 deploys to test, step 2 deploy to staging, step 3 to deploy to Prod), but it would be useful if a multiple steps could use the same deployment variables, or if a pipeline could run against a particular set of deployment variables (i.e. test/staging/prod)
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f4dbaae2a132 I dont know why this is closed. Issues are still around after +5 years.