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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-18064

git lfs fetch fails with InvalidArgumentError


      git lfs fetch has been failing on specific files after fresh clone.

      It is failing consistently on specific files so as an experiment I {{git rm}}ed the failing files, but now it's failing on a different file. There's already an issue open with git-lfs, but this feels like an LFS server issue (the first three comments on the issue mention that they use bitbucket).


      $ GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git clone git@bitbucket.org:<repo>.git succeeds

      git lfs fetch fails with

      $ git lfs fetch
      fetch: Fetching reference refs/heads/master
      2019/01/30 09:27:46 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "<part-of-file>"; err=<nil>
      Downloading LFS objects:  36% (1198/3313), 1.7 GB | 4.6 MB/s   Expected OID <some-hash>, got <other-hash> after 83429376 bytes written                                     
      error: failed to fetch some objects from &#x27;https://bitbucket.org/<repo>.git/info/lfs&#x27;

      Rerunning with GIT_TRACE produces

      $ GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs fetch
      09:40:57.915993 trace git-lfs: exec: git &#x27;-c&#x27; &#x27;filter.lfs.smudge=&#x27; &#x27;-c&#x27; &#x27;filter.lfs.clean=&#x27; &#x27;-c&#x27; &#x27;filter.lfs.process=&#x27; &#x27;-c&#x27; &#x27;filter.lfs.required=false&#x27; &#x27;rev-parse&#x27; &#x27;HEAD&#x27; &#x27;--symbolic-full-name&#x27; &#x27;HEAD&#x27;             
      09:40:57.917093 trace git-lfs: tq: running as batched queue, batch size of 100
      09:40:57.917103 trace git-lfs: fetch <file-name> [<id>]
      09:40:57.917124 trace git-lfs: tq: sending batch of size 1
      09:40:57.917166 trace git-lfs: run_command: ssh -- git@bitbucket.org git-lfs-authenticate <repo> download
      09:40:59.010400 trace git-lfs: api: batch 1 files
      09:40:59.010777 trace git-lfs: HTTP: POST https://bitbucket.org/.../.../info/lfs/objects/batch
      09:40:59.404101 trace git-lfs: HTTP: 200
      09:40:59.404185 trace git-lfs: HTTP: {"objects": [{"oid": "<id>", "actions": {"download": {"header": {"X-Client-ID": "<hash-A>", "Authorization": "Bearer <hash-B>"}, "href": "ht
      09:40:59.404287 trace git-lfs: HTTP: tps://api.media.atlassian.com/file/<hash-C>/binary"}}, "size": 83429376}]}
      09:40:59.404469 trace git-lfs: tq: starting transfer adapter "basic"
      09:40:59.629873 trace git-lfs: xfer: Attempting to resume download of "<id>" from byte 83429376                                                          
      09:40:59.630036 trace git-lfs: HTTP: GET https://api.media.atlassian.com/file/<hash-C>/binary
      09:41:00.239427 trace git-lfs: HTTP: 400
      09:41:00.239605 trace git-lfs: HTTP: {"error":{"code":"InvalidArgumentError","title":"range first index must not be greater than last index","href":"https://api.media.atlassian.com#InvalidArgumentError"}}
      09:41:00.239809 trace git-lfs: tq: retrying object <id>: LFS: Client error: https://api.media.atlassian.com/file/<hash-C>/binary

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