Uploaded image for project: 'Bitbucket Cloud'
  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-15351

List all consumed time


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      Please look at the time consumed on the attached image and compare it to the total time printed in the logs. I pay for 39 seconds of running the process but only ~3 seconds of the run are explained. Of course I am aware of the fact that there is starting agent and pulling image running underneath. I just would like to know how long each part takes. And also I would like to know if the Docker image is pulled or the cache is used.

      According to https://blog.bitbucket.org/2017/08/22/bringing-speed-power-flexibility-12-new-features-bitbucket-pipelines/ there is new feature - "Public image caching – Behind the scenes, Pipelines has recently started caching public Docker images, resulting in a noticeable boost to startup time to all builds running on our infrastructure." and I would like to see if the cache is used or not.

        1. ss.png
          82 kB

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