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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-13637

Pipelines usage and build minutes report


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      It would be useful to see how many total minutes have been used, as well as how many minutes remain, in a team's monthly allocation so that we can better manage resources.

      My suggestion is for this to be on the pipelines page for a project. For example, in the screenshot below (from https://bitbucket.org/lewisb42/ical4-instructor/addon/pipelines/home#!/) the duration column should have a total that reads something like "Used: 9 min, 14 sec; Remaining: 490 min, 46 sec" (assuming my mental math is correct!) based on my 500-minute monthly limit.

      The numbers should be calculated based on minutes remaining in the current month/billing-cycle (and not simply be a total-for-all-time).


      Additionally to that, we would like to have some way to check the build minutes spent per repository, as it would help us to understand where we are spending our build minutes.

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              2b39c1e4899f lewisb42
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