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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-11409

Revert/Modify "Create Pull Request" message on remote push commands (BB-13435)


      We have a well defined continuous delivery pipeline that, as part of it's process, merges changes from master to a reviewed branch and pushes that back to bitbucket.

      Recently a "feature" was released that returns a remote message about pull requests when we do a remote push, even with the -q option in git. This is problematic for us because that message is shown in stderr and our build process assumes that any unexpected errors (ie, stuff in stderr when we use the -q option for git push) is an error, so it fails the build step.

      Here is what we run and the message we receive:

      git push -q origin reviewed
      remote: Create pull request for reviewed:
      remote: https://bitbucket.org/precisionlender/pl-application/pull-request/new?source=reviewed&t=1

      We have also noticed this text is not returned consistently. So that particular build step fails several times in a row and then starts working again, then fails occasionally and starts working again.

      Please turn off this unnecessary remote message or make it an option that people can opt-in on. Given that it always reports the same URL, I'm not sure it's providing any value.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              a5bf6f9aac05 pl-eli
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