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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-5006

Subversion change detection uses the latest repository revision not the latest revision at the specified repository url


      Subversion change detection uses the latest repository revision not the latest revision at the specified repository url.

      If there is another project in the same repository that has a later commit than the subtree changes are detected on then custom.svn.revision.number will be set to the revision of that project and not the latest change in the working copy. This is an issue for users who wish to brand their artifacts using custom.svn.revision.number because even if their project has not changed subsequent builds will produce artifacts with different revision number stamps if there have been other changes made in the repository.

      One possible way of fixing this is to replace the use of repository.getLatestRevision and use the "Last change rev" revision id from an svn info command instead (in SVNKit this is called the "committed version").

              jdumay James Dumay
              jdumay James Dumay
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