Uploaded image for project: 'Bamboo Data Center'
  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-2835

Bamboo should look for the BUILD FAILED message along with the BUILD SUCCESSFUL message to determine build out come.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 2.2
    • 2.0.5
    • Builds
    • None

      In https://support.atlassian.com/browse/BSP-964 - the build consisted of an Ant exec task which printed out BUILD SUCCESSFUL message.

      Even though the main Ant build failed with the BUILD FAILED message, Bamboo assumed that the Ant build passed because there was a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message printed out by the exec task. See build log below -

      17-Jun-2008 17:07:08       [exec] > rem signed c:\bamboo_home\some.dll 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:09       [exec]      [echo] Signing c:\bamboo_home\some.dll... 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:10       [exec] BUILD SUCCESSFUL 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:10       [exec] Total time: 1 second 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:12       [exec] Unable to load c:\bamboo_home\some.exe 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:12       [exec] error 2 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:12       [exec]         File size         Ratio      Format      Name 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:12       [exec]    --------------------   ------   -----------   ----------- 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:12       [exec] upx: c:\bamboo_home\some.exe: FileNotFoundException: c:\bamboo_home\some.exe 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:12       [exec] Packed 0 files. 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:12       [exec] > rem signing problem ---> c:\bamboo_home\some.exe not exists! 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:12       [exec]  
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:12       [exec] Build log was saved at "file://c:\some.log" 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:12       [exec] SOMEPLAN - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s) 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:12   
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:13       [exec] ---------------------- Done ---------------------- 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:13   
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:13       [exec]     Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 14 failed, 11 skipped 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:13       [exec]  
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:13   
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14       [exec] Result: 1 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14   
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14  BUILD FAILED 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14  C:\bamboo_home\Products\some.xml:175: The following error occurred while executing this line: 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14  C:\bamboo_home\some.xml:76: Compile error code is: 1 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14   
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14  Total time: 3 minutes 2 seconds 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14  Build process for 'SOME-PLAN Main' returned with return code = 0 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14  Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14  Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14  Finalising the build... 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14  Stopping timer. 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14  Build SOME-PLAN-27 completed. 
      17-Jun-2008 17:07:14  Running post build plugin on server 'Clover Delta Calculator' 

            mark@atlassian.com MarkC
            asridhar AjayA
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