Resolution: Fixed
8.2.3, 8.2.5
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes)
Steps to Reproduce
- In repository configuration page, expand the advanced options
- substitute the timeout value with empty string, blank space or text value
- save the repository
Expected Results
Bamboo should prevent you from saving the repository configuration with a validation error.
Actual Results
Bamboo will save the repository configuration with empty string for commandTimeout
After saving a repository with empty string the /admin/repositorySettings.action page will fail to open with the following error:
022-10-13 09:44:58,570 ERROR [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-15] [runtime] Error executing FreeMarker template FreeMarker template error: An error has occurred when reading existing sub-variable "cacheDescriptions"; see cause exception! The type of the containing value was: extended_hash+string (com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.git.GitRepository wrapped into f.e.b.StringModel) ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #list cacheProvider.cacheDescriptions... [in template "admin/repositorySettings.ftl" in macro "manageCachesTab" at line 78, column 17] - Reached through: @ww.form action="repositorySettingsDe... [in template "admin/repositorySettings.ftl" in macro "manageCachesTab" at line 39, column 9] - Reached through: @manageCachesTab [in template "admin/repositorySettings.ftl" at line 19, column 9] ~ Reached through: #nested [in template "lib/dojo.ftl" in macro "contentPane" at line 98, column 5] ~ Reached through: @dj.contentPane labelKey="manageCache... [in template "admin/repositorySettings.ftl" at line 18, column 5] ~ Reached through: #nested [in template "lib/dojo.ftl" in macro "tabContainer" at line 66, column 5] ~ Reached through: @dj.tabContainer headingKeys=["manage... [in template "admin/repositorySettings.ftl" at line 17, column 1] ---- Java stack trace (for programmers): ---- freemarker.core._TemplateModelException: [... Exception message was already printed; see it above ...] at freemarker.ext.beans.BeanModel.get(BeanModel.java:185) at freemarker.core.Dot._eval(Dot.java:43
- Find in the database which are the repositories that are saved with empty commandTimeout
SELECT * FROM vcs_location WHERE xml_definition_data LIKE '%<string>repository.git.commandTimeout</string><string></string>%';
- re-save the repositories with correct commandTimeout value