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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-21018

Bamboo crashes with H2 db and Java update version higher than 255


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Low Low
    • 7.1.0, 7.0.6
    • 7.0.4
    • Database (other)
    • None

      Issue Summary

      Java versioning scheme uses major versions followed by the update version (for example JDK 8 u191, where the update version is 191). 

      Bamboo fails to configure an embedded database when run in an environment having Java update version > 255

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Run Bamboo in any environment with Java update version higher than 255 (for example JDK 8 u261, JDK 7 u261)
      2. Configure embedded database

      Expected Results

      Bamboo is up and running

      Actual Results

      The below exception is thrown in logs:

      2020-07-21 15:48:25,386 WARN [C3P0PooledConnectionPoolManager[identityToken->2wrsidabvnbwofd3bf7h|26ae5d]-HelperThread-#1] [ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner] An Error forced the closing of Thread[C3P0PooledConnectionPoolManager[identityToken->2wrsidabvnbwofd3bf7h|26ae5d]-HelperThread-#1,5,main]. Will attempt to reconstruct, but this might mean that something bad is happening.
      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.h2.value.CompareMode
      Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid version number: Version number may be negative or greater than 255
          at com.ibm.icu.util.VersionInfo.getInstance(VersionInfo.java:191)
          at com.ibm.icu.impl.ICUDebug.getInstanceLenient(ICUDebug.java:65)
          at com.ibm.icu.impl.ICUDebug.<clinit>(ICUDebug.java:69)
          ... 17 more


      • Downgrade Java version to an update version less than 255.
      • Delete ${BAMBOO_INSTALL_DIR}/atlassian-bamboo/WEB-INF/lib/icu4j-3.8.jar file and restart Bamboo.

            jmajkutewicz Jan Majkutewicz (Inactive)
            c64f33b2bce3 Yevhen
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            6 Start watching this issue
