Resolution: Fixed
Severity 1 - Critical
User can't create/modify Bitbucket Cloud repository
Bamboo reports Invalid username when try to save repository or click Test connection button
Check that the username provided as credentials for the repository is the username that can be found in Bitbucket settings > Account settings > Bitbucket profile settings in Bitbucket Cloud.
Because of GDPR-related changes to Bitbucket Cloud API the user email is not a valid value for the username field anymore and Bitbucket Cloud REST API dropped support of it recently.
Bamboo 7.0.1 and above
Since Bamboo 7.0.1, the system property -Dbamboo.bitbucket.cloud.use.workspace.api=true can be added following Configuring your system properties to enable usage of new Workspaces REST API of Bitbucket Cloud
Recent versions
The following patches enable the Bitbucket Cloud Workspaces API:
- 6.10.5: atlassian-bamboo-plugin-bitbucket-6.10.5-BAM-20900.jar
- 6.9.2: atlassian-bamboo-plugin-bitbucket-6.9.2-BAM-20900.jar
- 6.8.3: atlassian-bamboo-plugin-bitbucket-6.8.3-BAM-20900.jar
To install, please:
- Download the file for your version
- Stop Bamboo
- Move the file at <bamboo-install>/atlassian-bamboo/WEB-INF/atlassian-bundled-plugins/atlassian-bamboo-plugin-bitbucket-x.y.z.jar out of the <bamboo-install> directory
- Put the patch jar in <bamboo-install>/atlassian-bamboo/WEB-INF/atlassian-bundled-plugins/atlassian-bamboo-plugin-bitbucket-x.y.z-BAM-20900.jar
- Start Bamboo
Older Versions
If you are unable to upgrade at the moment, please configure Linked repositories of type "Git" or "Mercurial" to work around this issue.
- follows
BAM-20455 Cannot save Bitbucket Cloud Repository: Invalid Username and We couldn't connect to the repository errors
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Can't create/modify Bitbucket Cloud repository
Resolution: Fixed
Severity 1 - Critical
User can't create/modify Bitbucket Cloud repository
Bamboo reports Invalid username when try to save repository or click Test connection button
Check that the username provided as credentials for the repository is the username that can be found in Bitbucket settings > Account settings > Bitbucket profile settings in Bitbucket Cloud.
Because of GDPR-related changes to Bitbucket Cloud API the user email is not a valid value for the username field anymore and Bitbucket Cloud REST API dropped support of it recently.
Bamboo 7.0.1 and above
Since Bamboo 7.0.1, the system property -Dbamboo.bitbucket.cloud.use.workspace.api=true can be added following Configuring your system properties to enable usage of new Workspaces REST API of Bitbucket Cloud
Recent versions
The following patches enable the Bitbucket Cloud Workspaces API:
- 6.10.5: atlassian-bamboo-plugin-bitbucket-6.10.5-BAM-20900.jar
- 6.9.2: atlassian-bamboo-plugin-bitbucket-6.9.2-BAM-20900.jar
- 6.8.3: atlassian-bamboo-plugin-bitbucket-6.8.3-BAM-20900.jar
To install, please:
- Download the file for your version
- Stop Bamboo
- Move the file at <bamboo-install>/atlassian-bamboo/WEB-INF/atlassian-bundled-plugins/atlassian-bamboo-plugin-bitbucket-x.y.z.jar out of the <bamboo-install> directory
- Put the patch jar in <bamboo-install>/atlassian-bamboo/WEB-INF/atlassian-bundled-plugins/atlassian-bamboo-plugin-bitbucket-x.y.z-BAM-20900.jar
- Start Bamboo
Older Versions
If you are unable to upgrade at the moment, please configure Linked repositories of type "Git" or "Mercurial" to work around this issue.
- follows
BAM-20455 Cannot save Bitbucket Cloud Repository: Invalid Username and We couldn't connect to the repository errors
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- PIR - High Priority Action
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