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- BAM-13598
MSTest Parser failed - BAM-11665
Support for powershell in bamboo script tasks - BAM-13611
NAnt Task Does Not Exist As a Task Type for Deploy - BAM-12062
An unexpected error has occurred - Creating MSTest Runner Task - BAM-11998
Maven 3 and Java 6 path is wrong for Windows Elastic Image - BAM-12664
Elastic Bamboo doesn't mount EBS snaphot volumes for Windows AMIs - BAM-12995
NUnit parser does not parse testresults for parametrizised tests using TestCaseSource - BAM-8702
Add a NUnit runner task to the .NET Plugin - BAM-10712
Applications launch minimized when using Remote Agents - BAM-11821
Ant builds get interrupted when logging out of Windows using Remote Desktop - BAM-11618
Enabling NCover requires to provide NCover XML Directory which is an Optional field - BAM-13072
Instance Startup Script on Windows images should be executed with admin permissions - BAM-13775
Dot NET plugin should autodetect Visual Studio 2012 capability - BAM-21719
GIT checkout failing on Windows remote agent with error: "fatal not a GIT repository" - BAM-14207
Show NUnit stacktrace when reviewing why a test failed - BAM-13496
Add MsTestRunner as a type of deployment task - BAM-12452
MSDeploy task for Bamboo .NET support - BAM-15855
Parser for MSBuild outputs - BAM-10986
MsTest Parser should parse description tag in testcase result details - BAM-20115
RSS processing inside Windows Docker Engine container uses incorrect path representation - BAM-18205
Git Credential Manager for Windows can cause Bamboo to queue the build until command timeout when authenticating with a public GitHub repository - BAM-19920
Improve error message when Powershell is not available - BAM-8719
Cannot configure msbuild task - BAM-13325
Add Nant as a type of deploy task - BAM-8891
Bamboo does not handle quotes to force name with space as single param - BAM-9563
Add support for specifying environment variables with the MSTest runner - BAM-13515
Support msbuild task in deployment projects - BAM-8774
Migrate the NCover Result page to the 3.1 format - BAM-8766
NAnt home was not autodetected correctly - BAM-11649
NCover Code Coverage report is not displayed - BAM-14605
Visual Studio throws an NPE when one of the configuration is missing - BAM-8671
Add pathHelp for .NET Plugin Tasks - BAM-8745
MSBuild Task is not passing arguments correctly - BAM-8855
MSTEST runner in .NET plugin (3.1-SNAPSHOT) does not parse "Inconclusive" test results. - BAM-14071
Make the detect server capabilities feature able to find Visual Studio 2012/2013 - BAM-12591
Capability requirement on jobs shoud be set automatically when Nunit runner task is added - BAM-9552
Add support for specifying the testmetadata option to the MSTest runner - BAM-8635
Better MSBuild capability detection - BAM-13047
Deploy to Windows Azure - BAM-19930
Support running bash scripts on Windows - BAM-13088
Support Cygwin Git client for Windows - BAM-12103
Include Windows 8 SDK on Elastic Image - BAM-12459
Windows EC2 instances load too slow - BAM-20850
Windows installer doesn't work with AdoptJDK 8 - BAM-20920
Bamboo Windows Service defaults to logging on as Local Service - BAM-14152
The build logs dates default to 01-Jan-1970 01:00:00 if the windows display format is different from the system locale - BAM-21575
Artifacts with colons in display names break builds when running a Windows OS agent - BAM-15549
Quote character in Command task argument is not interpreted correctly - BAM-18742
Some Bamboo builds on Windows continue to run while processing stdout and stderr pumps long after the process has ended and no further logging is received - BAM-21175
Total memory inside the System information page is taking the Initial memory pool size set for the Java properties
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