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Parser for MSBuild outputsBAM-18569
Improved reporting when git hangs on Windows agents due to socket errorBAM-15107
Nant Task cannot handle parameters with multiple values which contain spaceBAM-13608
"Options" input box for MSBuild Task of Bamboo cannot handle parameters with multiple values which contain space symbolBAM-13599
Run MSTest from Deployment TaskBAM-18556
Update Amazon AMIs with Windows Server 2016BAM-12404
Add a feature to create a .net msi package using msbuildBAM-11921
MSTest Runner task fails if Bamboo is getting run as a SYSTEM userBAM-11962
Handle killing child processes of Bamboo builds running on WindowsBAM-11979
MSTest Parser gets old Test Results if numerical sequence crosses 9 to 10BAM-12819
Bamboo inline / file scripts should have the option to Run as.BAM-12663
Add more Cygwin packages Elastic Bamboo Windows AMIsBAM-12662
Add EC2 tools to the Elastic Bamboo Windows AMIsBAM-12719
Make sure that Windows customers are aware of performance issues with the deafult SSHBAM-12340
Handling the skipped (inconclusive) tests in NUnit parserBAM-13896
Add support for specifying additional MSTest parameters in the MSTest runner taskBAM-14604
Distribute Bamboo zip downloads for 32 and 64 bitsBAM-12124
Bamboo assumes the windows batch script as an executable when running infile script taskBAM-11650
NCover report parsing requires a lot of memoryBAM-12177
Windows Azure elastic instanceBAM-20176
Default heap size for Bamboo service on Windows is too smallBAM-16249
Please make $(SolutionDir) value accessible in Bamboo.BAM-15875
Support Stylecop reports to show .NET code qualityBAM-17588
Add PowerShell as a standard executable capabilityBAM-15778
A broken link in the MSBuild task configuration screenBAM-14823
Usage of MSTest Runner is not accessible unless implementing a workaroundBAM-14548
Report Resharper analysisBAM-14457
NUnit Parser stage does not report errors when parsing an invalid XML inputBAM-14333
MSBuild not detectedBAM-17589
Add Robocopy as a standard executable typeBAM-17806
Shared artifact built on remote agent does not preserve permissions with a Windows Bamboo ServerBAM-17684
Bamboo sometimes hangs during installation on WindowsBAM-14450
Artifact copying from EC2 takes significantly longer from Windows than from Linux ImagesBAM-14097
"Invoke-Command" in powershell script doesn't work when invoke it from bamboo task onlyBAM-13926
Larger text boxes needed in Task ConfigurationBAM-13832
CATALINA_TMPDIR path with spaces causes tasks run as powershell to failBAM-8774
Migrate the NCover Result page to the 3.1 formatBAM-8745
MSBuild Task is not passing arguments correctlyBAM-8654
.NET Command Capability should be converted to a regular Command capabilityBAM-21175
Total memory inside the System information page is taking the Initial memory pool size set for the Java propertiesBAM-11649
NCover Code Coverage report is not displayedBAM-20219
Docker Runner with WindowsBAM-20115
RSS processing inside Windows Docker Engine container uses incorrect path representationBAM-18650
Can't save file part of cipher on Windows NTFSBAM-25928
Maven capability is not being detected automatically on Windows Remote AgentsBAM-25159
Cannot uninstall Bamboo on Windows via uninstall.exeBAM-21575
Artifacts with colons in display names break builds when running a Windows OS agentBAM-20920
Bamboo Windows Service defaults to logging on as Local ServiceBAM-14605
Visual Studio throws an NPE when one of the configuration is missingBAM-13325
Add Nant as a type of deploy task
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