Thank you for raising this suggestion. We regret to inform you that due to limited demand, we have no plans to implement it in the foreseeable future. In order to set expectations, we're closing this request.
This is an automated update triggered by low user engagement with this suggestion (number of votes, number of watchers).
Although we're aware the issue is still important to those of you who were involved in the conversations around it, we want to be clear in managing your expectations. The Bamboo team is focusing on issues that have broad impact and high value, reflected by the number of comments, votes, support cases, and customers interested.
Atlassian will continue to watch this issue for further updates, so please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.
Thank you,
Bamboo Team
Thank you for raising this suggestion. We regret to inform you that due to limited demand, we have no plans to implement it in the foreseeable future. In order to set expectations, we're closing this request.
This is an automated update triggered by low user engagement with this suggestion (number of votes, number of watchers).
Although we're aware the issue is still important to those of you who were involved in the conversations around it, we want to be clear in managing your expectations. The Bamboo team is focusing on issues that have broad impact and high value, reflected by the number of comments, votes, support cases, and customers interested.
Atlassian will continue to watch this issue for further updates, so please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.
Thank you,
Bamboo Team