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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-17201

Bamboo does not respect the quotes (") in the command line arguments on windows


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • 5.10.0
    • None
    • None

      This issue is extremely similar to BAM-9114

      Bamboo ant target is:

      build -Dbuild.number="${bamboo.buildNumber}" -Dbuild.key="${bamboo.buildKey}" -Dbuild.name="Integration Build"

      This gets translated ( as seen into the log ):

      Beginning to execute external process for build 'NextGen EDA - Integration Build (v2) - Default Job'<br /> ... running command line: <br />
      C:\apache-ant-1.7.1\bin\ant.bat<br />  -Djava.io.tmpdir=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\NGEDA-INTV2-JOB1<br />
        -f<br />  build.xml<br />  build<br />  -Dbuild.number="8827"<br /> 
      -Dbuild.key="NGEDA-INTV2-JOB1"<br />  -Dbuild.name="Integration Build"<br /> ... in: C:\bamboo-agent-home\xml-data\build-dir\NGEDA-INTV2-JOB1<br /> ... 

      The build goes through for the build target and pass successfully but then immediately fails with the error:

      error	30-Jan-2012 13:15:08	Target "Build" does not exist in the project "project.name.here"

      There is indeed no Build target - what happened is bamboo interpreted the property -Dbuild.name="Integration Build" as -Dbuild.name=Integration and Build as a new target.

      Renaming -Dbuild.name="Integration Build" into -Dbuild.name="Integration_Build" fixed the issue.

      This bug is seen at least in the Ant task and prevents any space in command line arguments ( even surrounded by quotes).

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            cglockner Christian Glockner
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