Resolution: Unresolved
Bamboo fail to link JIRA issue from commit message if the key is led and/or followed by dash "-". This however doesn't affect if it is not dash e.g. underscore "_".
Examples of commit messages which the issue won't be linked to the build:
- ABC-123-commit message
- Commit message-ABC-123
- Commit message-ABC-123-committing
Also see BAM-14213:
When there is a merge in git the comment mentions the branch name. Bamboo would then show it on its dashboard like this
Code Changes somebody Merge branch 'IB-12.34.567' of http://someurl/repos/somerepo into IB-12.34.567If the branch name seems to follow a jira key pattern bamboo wrongly identifies it as a jira ticket, setting the underlink, trying to communicate with jira looking for details on this in-existing ticket, etc. In the case above bamboo would identify IB-12 as a jira ticket.
Bamboo should be able to let configure which strings patterns are not to be taken as jira tickets.