Watching this thread for a good solution but in the mean time my hack is just to clone the deployment plan for every branch that we want to build/release. It is horrible an time consuming and an absolute waste of resources to manage/do but that's what Atlassian is giving us.
What you'll have to do is take your "master" deployment and clone it. On the clone, click the "edit the build plan" and change the branch to the custom plan branch you want. When the build fires, this branch deploy should fire and you will get a properly named/versioned release.
Word of warning though, if you make a change to the master deploy project, you will need to manually apply that change to all of the cloned deploy projects. We're trying to keep branch deploys to a minimum but we currently have 5 branches that get deployed and 1 master.
Sure, maybe it has been fixed in 6.1.0 but is not working in version 6.7.1.