If you have a Deployment Environment configured with lots of Tasks (as we do), the approach of manually disabling all the Tasks is error-prone. Also, the consulting situation in which we're using Bamboo means that often we'll need to temporarily re-enable the Deployment Environment later on. Again, this comes with the overhead and risk of a manual process.
If Bamboo's configuration-as-code functionality was finished, you could argue for deleting the Deployment Environment and just scripting something to re-instantiate it if necessary later on. Unfortunately, this isn't possible because Bamboo's configuration-as-code functionality still has critical gaps (e.g. you can't programmatically set specific Shared Credentials for custom Tasks).
The resulting situation looks pretty clunky to our customers, who we're often trying to convince to license Bamboo for their long-term use.
We're still big fans of the object model and usability of Bamboo so, Atlassian, it would be great if you guys could get this enable/disable Deployment Environment enhancement into a nearish-term backlog, please.
Our Bamboo plans are managed via bamboo specs, thus, un-editable. Simply renaming the Deployment plan has resulted in now having two deployment plans that are triggered by the same build. I have no way to disable the old. I only have delete in which I lose all deployment history. What's your solution for this?